Vote Common Good-West Michigan is inspiring, energizing, and mobilizing people of faith and goodwill to make the common good their voting criteria. Candidates for Common Good have committed to leading with values consistent with the common good. This means they support trustworthy leadership, responsible governance, genuine belonging, ethical conduct, and service before self. Candidates for Common Good have also taken the Love-In-Politics Pledge. Multiple candidates in a race can receive this recognition, and just like the common good, it is non-partisan. https://www.votecommongood-wm.org/ — Vote Common Good: West Michigan
I've been fortunate enough to meet and work with Becky for a few years now. When public education was attacked within the community, Becky was brave enough to stand up and defend our students within the community. With Becky as a Trustee, I know she will wholeheartedly stand up for what's right, regardless of what people have to say about it. — Kasen Wooters
Chairman of the Michigan High School Democrats